Sunday, November 3, 2013

You Have to Start Sometime

  You have to start sometime. Sometimes you have to start again.
  Once upon a time, there was and it was pretty good. But Chuck was prone to distraction and generally getting slack, so it died(an ignoble death). So here Chuck is, back again, to take another crack at the lucrative career of blogging.

  The name. The Velo Shed. After much brain storming, instead of actual working, I picked The Velo Shed. It has a nice ring. Velo. I got that from velocipede. Velocipedes were the bicycle before there was a bicycle(Cranks, and then chains, came later). You sat on the cross bar and kicked yourself down the road.
  Velo comes from the French for "sail", which is pretty much the feeling you get when you are spinning along on a beautiful spring day. A good thing that naming day came on a beautiful spring day, it could have been on a cold, windy day, with heavy rain and a long climb, then we would have the merdeopede.

  Shed. What else but a shed? A place away from the comforts of home, where all the work gets done and all the cool tools rest in their drawers and the neat bits hang from the rafters. In  The Worlds Fastest Indian Burt Munro (Played by Hannibal Lecter) builds his incredible Indian in a backyard shed. making his custom parts, with his custom handmade tools. How great is that? Is there anything better than strolling out from the kitchen, hot cup of joe in hand, and rolling up the door to this world where you can fix anything? Create anything? Break anything?
  The Shed is my kind of place, the place you can be sure to find me when you are having a problem with your diddlybob. It keeps going "spoing" when it should go "Tk-Tk-Tk". I can fix that.

   I have always enjoyed figuring it out. Taking that broken thing apart and putting it back whole and functioning. Here is hoping that I have figured out how to to do this and make it something you want to read and talk about.
  If you have a question or questions, let me know and I will tackle your problem. Now, go ride your bike, Chuck

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